Sample midwifery case study report

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Download sample midwifery case study report. The content is editable and has exhaust full content of what is in case study writing Brief overview INTRODUCTION OF MIDWIFERY CASE STUDY It is care given to a pregnant woman which is goal oriented where by a client whose gestation is between 28 to 32 weeks is identified and followed antenatally till six weeks postnatal. Antenatally the client is followed to monitor progress of pregnancy in order to ensure good maternal health and fetal development. During labor the individual is observed for progress of labor and given psychological and emotional support to prevent damage to fetus. After delivery, the mother is followed up to their home to promote the physical wellbeing of the mother and the baby by educating the mother on nutrition, hygiene, immunization and family planning. OBJECTIVES OF MIDWIFERY CASE STUDY ANTENATALLY  To prepare the mother physically, emotionally, psychologically for labor, lactation and care of the new born.  To ensure healthy and mature infant is born at the end of the pregnancy.  Asses the progress of pregnancy to detect any risk and act upon it very fast for it is correction.  To prepare the family psychologically for the awaiting of the new born in the family.  To ensure the wellbeing of the pregnant mother and growing fetus. INTRAPARTUM  To monitor the progress of labor closely to ensure maternal and fetal wellbeing.  To detect any deviation from normal for early management.  To prepare the mother physically and emotionally for delivery.  To educate the mother on what is expected from her during Labor.

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