Powerful Methods of Teaching a CBC class

Published 4 weeks ago | Categories: Education

For Century Past education has had mainly to do with memory. Hence this faculty has been overtaxed to the brim while other mental powers have not been developed in equal measure.

Learners have spent most time crowding their minds with knowledge, very little of which could be utilized. This has weakened the minds of many learners to an extent that they can't make a self-reliant effort and is contented to depend on the judgment and perception of others.

The education that is pegged in training of the memory , tends to discourage independent thought of a learner and therefore CBC encourages us not only to train the memory but also other mental and physical parts.

In many instances a boy or girl may outwardly look as unattractive as rough hew stone, but maybe found precious material that will stand test of heat, storm and pressure, therefore the true teacher having this in mind should recognize the value of the material upon which he is working. The following are some of the best and healthful practices to train learners in CBC curriculum.

  • Every teacher must recognize the true value of the material (learner) he/she is working with. The material might be undesired of and considered a waste and waste of resources but that which is even thrown into the dustbins may collected again should its need arise. A true educator will take a personal interest in each pupil and develop all his/her faculties.

Do you have personal interest in your learner?

Do you recognize him/her as raw material that can be worked on?

  • Teach the Power to apply. Most lessons in CBC encourages learners to apply the knowledge learnt to help solve pertinent and contemporary issues affecting the society currently. It may be environmental issues, unemployment. For example by the end of lower primary, every learner should have acquired the skill to start an income generating activity. What should be encouraged is the power to apply it and solve unemployment issues, upon the power to apply does success depend. Without teaching on the application most brilliant talents will avail nothing.

Have your learners managed to apply the knowledge learnt? Share your success story.

  • Aim at simplicity and effectiveness. By this I mean every CBC teacher should be able to teach by largely dwelling on illustrations and make them plain and clear. This is because many pupils advanced in years are but children in understanding. This method will work even with older pupils in the same class.

How simple and effective are your lessons?

  • Enthusiasm. This is one of the most important element in an educational work. At one point a celebrated Actor was put to task by the Archbishop of Canterbury to explain why actors in a play affect their audiences so powerfully by speaking of things imaginary while gospel ministers often affect theirs little by speaking of things real. In his reply the reason was plain, it lied in the power of enthusiasm. They on stage speak of things imaginary as if they were real and preachers on pulpit speak of things real as if they were imaginary. The teacher therefore in dealing with things real should speak of them with a force of enthusiasm which a knowledge of their reality and importance will inspire.

Are you the preacher man in class or actor on stage while in class?

  • Teach with kindliness and affection and also make your lessons short and interesting.

  • Vary your manner of instruction or teaching. Our methodologies sometimes makes our learners bored and would make them switch off in our subsequent lessons. Same methodology does not always bring positive results.

  • First lessons if possible should be outdoors. This involves playing with soil, playing in the open air. When this is done nature lessons brought together with the book, the lesson becomes firmly fixed in the mind. This is also good to the learner that finds the lessons from books exhausting

  • Take time to reason with the learners. This will enable you to correct them patiently. Ask them if they do ABC what will happen?

  • Last but not least Train and not 'tell'

These methods if employed will work to both the advantage of the learner and teacher towards moulding the future generation.

In the next episode we look more on other methods of teaching that are helpful in CBC

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